A little late, I know, things have not been as well as expected in our household, the Bishop has provided a Meditation for the 25th of April, which was ANZAC day. And I thought a little history would not go astray before the Meditation is added here. Anzac Day historyLast updated: 23 January 2020The Anzac…
Author: Community of Christ our hope
Saints of the Day 14th February
St. Conran, Bishop of Orkney 1. Saint Conran Bishop of Orkney Born Scotland Residence Orkneys Died Orkneys Canonized Pre-congregation Feast 14 February Summary Butler’s accountThe hagiographer Alban Butler (1710–1773) wrote in his Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, Saint Conran, Bishop of Orkney, C. The Isles of Orkney are twenty-six in number,…
Celtic and old English Saints February
13.St. Modomnoc O’NeilSt. Ermengild of ElySt. Huna of ElySt. Dyfnog 14St. Conran of Orkney 15St. Berach of CluainSt. Dochow of WalesSt. Farannan of IonaSt. Sigfrid of WexlowSs. Winaman, Unaman & SunamanSt. Tanco of Werden 16St. Guevroc of Saint-Pol-de-Leon 17St. Finan of Iona and LindisfarneSt. Fintan of ClonenaghSt. Fortchern of TrimSt. Guevrock of Saint-Pol-de-LeonSt. Loman of…
Irish Saints in February
To the 13th Irish Saints of February February 1Saint Brigid of Kildare (Fr Barry)Saint Brigid of Kildare (J. O’Kane Murray)Saint Darlughdhach of KildareSaint Beoin February 2Saint Columbanus of GhentSaint Aithmet of ClogherSaint Colman February 3Saint Cluain Ghlinne of MovilleSaint CaoilfionnSaint Colman of Kilmacduagh February 4Saint Lomman of Lough GillSaint Corc of Druim-LomainSaint Cota of Druim-Lomain February 5Saint…
From the Administrator
This year has been very hectic for both my wife and me, and, I realize that it is over a month since I made a direct post to this website. My apologies. We have both been suffering with our health, as that old saying goes, and have not had the time for as much creative…