Who Are the Celts – Christ our Hope Community (christ-our-hope-community.net)
Author: Community of Christ our hope
St. Patrick of Scotland Feast day 17th March
St. Patrick of Scotland is credited with evangelising the Celts in Ireland, ledgend has it that Patrick was a Romano-British Christian, not a Catholic. Patrick had no belief in God. When did Patrick go to Ireland? “About 405, when Patrick was in his teens (14-16), he was captured by Irish raiders and became a slave…
St. Bridget of Kildare- Hagiography
A note – Pre-congregational For the first 1100 years of the Church, any bishop could declare a saint without any approval from the Vatican. Resultantly, some persons of dubious character became saints. In the 12th century, the pope ended the practice and stated that only a pope could declare a saint, establishing ‘The Sacred Congregation…
Christendom arranges the metaphorical seats in heaven.
Let’s take a look at the manner in which Christendom arranges the metaphorical seats in Heaven. January Saints 2023 Celtic saints January 2023 Roman Saints January 2023 Orthodox Saints 2023 Russian Orthodox Saints 2023 Coptic Saints of 2023 This is enough for now, though I am curious about the Nestorians! Saints of the 18th of…
Saint Adrain of Canterbury -saint 9th January
Saint Adrian of Canterbury – Feast Day – January 9 Saint Adrian of Canterbury was born in North Africa between 630 and 637 AD. He lived as a scholar and as an Abbot of Saint Peter’s and Paul’s in Canterbury. He died in 709 AD and was buried in his monastery in Canterbury, England. His…