I am sure I will be forgiven for adding a Franciscan Saint at the top of the list for today. She is Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Patron of the Third Order of St. Francis Elizabeth of Hungary is revered as the patroness of the impoverished across Central Europe, and she inspired one of the most…
The Holy Souls
November is also the month when the church prays for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, gifts are given to have Masses said for the dead to ease their way through Purgatory and into Paradise. The History of the belief in purgatory While the use of the word “purgatory” (in Latin purgatorium) as a noun may…
The Month of Mary ( November)
Traditionally, in the Catholic Church this is the Month of Mary. The 21st ovember is Nthe Feast of The presentation of Mary to the Temple The Feast is preceded by a Novena, Nov. 12-20: visit text here ->Devotions for the Month of November (salvemariaregina.info) According to an ancient belief, the Blessed Virgin Mary was formally…
Celtic saint of 31 October 2021
Altogether, today there are the following Celtic saints listed on Celtic and old English saints: St. Erth of CornwallSt. Foillan of FossesSt. Bega St. Erth of Cornwall – Read online St. Folian of fosses -, Abbot(Faillan) Born IrelandDied seventh century Sonian Forest, BelgiumVenerated in Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox ChurchFeast 31 October (Diocese of Namur); 5 November…
October 31 -31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Pentecost XXIII
‘The soul is kissed by God in its innermost regions. It is a yearning to give one’s self to God’s Way.’HILDEGARD OF BINGEN ” … I love you, O God, my strength … “PSALM 17 Sunday LiturgyOctober 31, 202131st Sunday in Ordinary TimePentecost XXIII Lectionary Readings : Hebrew/Old Testament Scriptures, The Book of Deuteronomy 6:2-6…