This coming Sunday is the Third Sunday in Advent, the candle on the Advent wreathe will be pink to indicate an easing of the Advent Fast -the Winter Lent.
Advent, which begins the Church’s liturgical year, began on Sunday, December 3. Advent includes the four Sundays and weekdays leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
The Advent season is a time of preparation for our hearts and minds for the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas.
The Purpose and Symbolism of the Advent Wreath and Candles
An Advent wreathe is used to mark the weeks of Advent with a candle for each week, mauve or purple Three of the candles are purple because the color violet is a liturgical color that signifies a time of prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Except for the 3rd week which is rose, or pink – this is a longstanding Catholic tradition that was originally adopted by Medieval Christians of symbolism tied to the Christmas season. The wreath itself, which is made of various evergreens, signifies continuous life. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life we find in Christ.
Even the individual evergreens that make up the wreath have their own meanings that can be adapted to our faith. The laurel signifies victory over persecution and suffering. The pine, holly, and yew signify immortality and the cedar signifies strength and healing. The pinecones decorating the wreath symbolize life and resurrection. The wreath as a whole is meant to remind us of both the immortality of our souls and God’s promise of eternal life to us through Christ.
The first candle, which is purple, embodies hope. It is sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in commemoration of the prophets, especially Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ. It signifies the hope felt in expectation of the coming Messiah.
The second candle, also purple, characterizes faith. It is called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.
The third candle is pink and symbolizes joy. It is called the “Shepard’s Candle,” and is pink because rose is a liturgical colour for joy. The third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday and is meant to remind us of the joy that the world experienced at the birth of Jesus, as well as the joy that the faithful have reached the midpoint of Advent.
On the fourth week of Advent, we light the final purple candle to mark the final week of prayer and penance as we wait for the birth of our Redeemer. This final candle, the “Angel’s Candle,” represents peace. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”
On the fourth week of Advent, we light the final purple candle to mark the final week of prayer and penance as we wait for the birth of our Redeemer. This final candle, the “Angel’s Candle,” represents peace. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”
The white candle is placed in the middle of the wreath and lit on Christmas Eve. This candle is called the “Christ Candle” and signifies the life of Christ. The colour white is for purity—because Christ is our sinless, pure Saviour.