“ … the spirit you received is not the spirit of slaves bringing fear into your lives again … it is the spirit of sons and daughters … (for) we are heirs … of God and coheirs with Christ, sharing in the sufferings so as to share the glory … “ROMANS 8 : 8 –…
Author: Community of Christ our hope
Saints for the day of 7th June
Here is a link to all Saints in June 7th St. Colman, Bishop of Dromore(Mocholmoc) Saint Colman of Dromore Venerated in Roman Catholicism Feast 7 June Patronage Roman Catholic Diocese of Dromore Colmán of Dromore – Wikipedia Born at Argyll, c. 516; died c. 610; he has a second feast on October 27. If you are…
Mary of May has passed you by
Mary of May, the Month of may in the Catholic church is devoted to Mary, with various devotions and liturgies.
Celtic Saint of the Day 28th April
The Web site lists Celtic and Old English saints in a calendar format. From the calendar pages, a bit about each saint can be perused by clicking on the link (embedded in the saint’s name). Thanks toAmbrose Mooney for diligently posting the saints’ lives every day on the old Yahoo CeltList group,Janet for suggesting a…
The Season of Easter 2022
Easter lasts for a total of 50 days, from Easter Sunday until the feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit comes upon the apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Christ. This year, 2022, Easter runs from April 17 until June 5. Vestments and Altar cloth are white. The Sundays of easter are celeberated as…