17th St. Brioch of BrittanySt. Judicael of BrittanySt. Tetta of WimborneSt. Tydecho of Merionethshire 18th St. Flannan of KillaloeSt. Mawnan of Cornwall Celtic and Old English Saints for December 17th Celtic and Old English Saints for December 18th Celtic Saint of the Day: -December 9th 19th St. Samthann of Clonbroney Saint Samthann was an Irish…
Author: Andrew Blair
Celtic Saint of the Day
13th December St. Judoc 1.saint Judoc was born in 668 and was the son of the Breton king Juthael. He was ordained to the priesthood in 636 at Ponthieu. After a pilgrimage to Rome, he became a hermit at Runiacum near the mouth of the Canche, where he died. His hair, beard, and nails continued…
About Celtic Advent
The Celtic Advent is an active and introspective period of preparation for Christmas. It encourages individuals to focus on the forthcoming arrival of Christ, promoting spiritual growth and self-reflection. This season starts before the onset of holiday consumerism, enabling people to concentrate on the essential aspects of the celebration.
Celtic Saint of the Day- St. Deinio of Bangor
Celtic Saint of the Day: The web page is a blog post about the life and legacy of St. Deiniol of Bangor, a Celtic saint who founded a monastery and a cathedral in Wales.
Celtic Saints St. Fionnchu of Bangor 28th Nov.
St. Fionnchu of Bangor Saint Fionnchu was a 6th-century Irish abbot who succeeded Saint Comgall as the abbot of Bangor Abbey in Ireland 12. Not much is known about his early life, but he was born in Brigobann, now Brigown, in the county of Cork, Ireland 1. Finnchu was placed with Cumusgach, King of Teffia…