17th St. Brioch of Brittany St. Judicael of Brittany St. Tetta of Wimborne St. Tydecho of Merionethshire | 18th St. Flannan of Killaloe St. Mawnan of Cornwall |
Celtic and Old English Saints for December 17th | Celtic and Old English Saints for December 18th |
Celtic Saint of the Day: -December 9th
19th St. Samthann of Clonbroney

Saint Samthann was an Irish nun who founded Clonbroney Abbey near Granard in County Longford. She grew up under the care of Cridan, the ruler of Cairbre Cabhra, and joined the convent of Saint Cognat at Ernaide (Donegal). Later, she founded her monastery at Clonbroney. Her Life provides us with some of her wise sayings. A tradition reports that Samthann once prayed a soul out of hell, an accomplishment attributed only to a very few of the great Christian saints. Samthann would not accept large estates for her convent. She preferred that her sisters live in poverty, as demonstrated by the fact that the community had only six cows for its herd. The convent of Clonbroney was one of the three most important in Ireland.
Learn more
- 1en.wikipedia.org
- 2celticsaints.org
- 3thenovl.com
- 4celticsaints.org
- 5answers.com
- 6 facebook.com
- 7 w3.org8saintpatrickdc.org
- 9 orthodoxengland.btinternet.co.uk
- 10 groups.yahoo.com
- 11 celticsaints.org
- 12 answers.com
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1. /A. (N/A). Saint Samthann. In CatholicSaints.Info. Retrieved December 19, 2023, from https://catholicsaints.info/saint-samthann/
2. Image: Hart, A. (2020) St Samantha of Clonbroney [Online image]. Available at: 1 (Accessed: 19 December 2023)

with the ‘new’ parish church framed in the background.
St. Manire was one of Drostan’s successors at Deer, and had a foundation in that district near Aberdour. He established his church on upper Deeside, in Crathie district, where the site of his foundation is at Rhynabaich, a knoll to the north of the North Deeside Road. A solitary standing-stone is all that remains of Manire’s establishment, but local place-names such as alt eaglais, “the burn of the church”; creag eaglais, “the hill of the church”; pollmanire, “the pool of Manire” – a deep salmon pool on the river Dee almost opposite Balmoral Castle – recall the activities of this almost forgotten saint. The ancient church site at Crathie, south of the present Crathie-Kirk, is under his invocation. Manire is said to have died in 824 AD and is believed to have been buried in his church at Crathie.
Mooney, A. and Langdon, M., 2023. St. Manire of Crathie. [online] CelticSaints.org. Available at: https://celticsaints.org/2023/1219b.html [Accessed 19 Dec. 2023].
Image: Cushnieent.com. (2023). Available at: https://www.cushnieent.com/images/Crathie001.gif [Accessed 19 Dec. 2023].