” … but his face fell … and he went away sad … ” MARK 10, 17-30 Saturday Vigil/Sunday LiturgyOrdinary Sunday 28/Pentecost XXOctober 10, 2021 Liturgy Readings* The Book of Wisdom 7, 7-11 – the quality of being wise* Psalm 89 – asking God for the gift of wisdom* St Paul’s Letter/Hebrews 4, 12-13 –…
Celtic saints of the day 28th September
Celtic saints of the day 28th September Saint Conval (Conwall) Firstly; the Troparia are Orthodox chants, each saint has their own as do each Season of the Liturgical year, the tones number, e.g. 8, represent the particular chant to be used, as in the Tallis chants of the Psalms in some of the western churches….
Saint Adomnan of Iona
Commemorated – either 23rd September or 6th October In the year 625, St. Adomnan (also Adamnan, Eunan) was born in Ireland, near the present-day modest town of Raphoe in County Donegal, Ulster. Ronan was his father’s name, and Ronat was his mother’s. Before moving to Scotland, the venerable man studied in one of the monasteries…
Celtic Saint 17 September
September Saints 17. 1. Ss. Socrates and Stephen of Wales Troparion of Ss Socrates and Stephen Tone 1Thou didst win the crown of martyrdom,/ O noble Socrates and Stephen,/when thou, following in the footsteps of both our nation’s Patron andour protomartyr*,/ didst resist the edict of the God-hating Diocletian./Pray to God that we also may…
Celtic and Old English Saints 6 September
St. Bega of Saint Bee’s Head – Celtic Saints 7th century; she is probably identical with the Saint Bega celebrated on October 31. Saint Bega or Saint Bee was an Irish princess, whom a Norwegian prince sought in marriage. She, however, had already pledged herself and her virginity to Jesus and been given a bracelet…